My name is Nogadas, Von Ryan

Welcome to my website!

pixel art of a girl on window

My interests and hobbies

My works

  1. Simple Forum Webapp (WIP)
  2. Basic SDL UI Wrapper
  3. Tower of Hanoi
  4. Mobile Fruit Game Clone
  5. Mobile Flash Anzan
  6. Console Japanese Dictionary


Your site looks interesting! -mau

Cheers to your work -Mark

I like the retro design -jhef

I love how you design your site! -Andrea

My Goals

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My Thoughts About Online Class

I think online class would be beneficial only to those students who have strong dedication to learn programmming and that the other half of the students would most likely skim through the instructional material and do the bare-minimum.

Conducting face-to-face makes the learning stick because it forces us to participate along with the class and makes the lesson more memorable since we are forced to do practical exercises on the spot, something that we don't experience much online.